Advisers highlight self-employed protection gap

Advisers are increasingly concerned that self-employed clients are under-protected, according to research from MetLife UK.

Related topics:  Protection
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
27th February 2019
Weak link unprotected protection warn
"Self-employed workers are particularly vulnerable if they or one of their family suffers an injury or accident which makes it difficult to work and earn money."

Its nationwide study found that, on average, 21% of an adviser's clients are now self-employed with 57% of respondents citing the group as a potential major growth area.

Government figures show 4.77 million are currently self-employed, equivalent to around 14.7% of the total workforce.

However advisers are concerned that self-employed clients do not have enough protection cover to help provide financial support if they are unable to work.

56% of advisers believe self-employed clients are under-protected with 43% saying they struggle to convince self-employed clients to increase their protection with affordability seen as the biggest barrier.

Around 39% of advisers say self-employed clients worry about the cost while 34% say clients do not prioritise individual protection and 12% say policies are inflexible.

Richard Horner, head of individual protection at MetLife UK, said: “Self-employed workers are particularly vulnerable if they or one of their family suffers an injury or accident which makes it difficult to work and earn money.

“The growth of self-employment has been a major trend across the UK economy and advisers are seeing this mirrored in their client base with on average one in five clients now self-employed.

“Everyday risks such as children getting injured or becoming ill are a bigger risk for the self-employed if they have to take time off work to look after them and the same applies if they themself suffer injuries as they do not have the same rights to Statutory Sick Pay. Individual protection products have a major role to play in supporting the self-employed.”

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