L&G updates critical illness offering

Legal & General has announced a number of updates to its critical illness cover including its Extra and Children's Extra ranges.

Related topics:  Protection
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
27th November 2018
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"These updates will ultimately help us to better serve our intermediary partners, providing them and their clients with more choice of cover"

Improvements include increased payments for Critical Illness Extra to 25% of the sum assured up to a maximum of £30,000, and its Children's Extra to 50% of the sum assured up to a maximum of £30,000.

L&G has also improved the definitions for heart attack and dementia.

Craig Brown, director of intermediary at Legal & General, said: “We’ve listened carefully to feedback from advisers to make these latest changes to our critical illness cover offering. These updates will ultimately help us to better serve our intermediary partners, providing them and their clients with more choice of cover, whilst not compromising on our price or quality."

Adam Higgs, head of research for adviser services at F&TRC, commented: “Legal & General’s latest enhancement to their critical illness proposition sees them plugging a couple of obvious gaps in their proposition. A much-improved heart attack definition, which was a weakness of the proposition until now has been added which no longer requires specific biochemical cardiac markers. The removal of an alcohol exclusion from their Dementia including Alzheimer’s definition is also a welcome move.

“The amount paid for additional critical illness conditions is an area of the market where a number of insurers have made moves recently and Legal & General have followed suit by increasing the maximum they will pay on their Caixa proposition from £25,000 to £30,000 or 25% of the sum assured. Whilst the changes made are not dramatic, they reaffirm Legal and General’s aim to be one of the most comprehensive plans on the market.”

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