Paymentshield adds adverse weather resources to GI toolkit

Paymentshield has added two new customer-facing resources to its online Marketing Toolkit for advisers.

Related topics:  Protection
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
30th January 2020
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"These are the first instalments in a series of customer guides that will be produced with tips and advice for all seasons"

The new resources, ‘A Guide to Keeping Afloat in a Flood’ and ‘A Guide to Beating the Storm’, are the first guides in a series on handling adverse weather.

Both guides include step-by-step instructions and are designed to help all homeowners, not just Paymentshield customers, prepare their property for bad weather, give advice on what to do during periods of bad weather, and inform them of what they might need to do afterwards.

Jennifer Ripley, head of marketing at Paymentshield, said: “We believe that introducing a conversation about general insurance is an important way for any adviser to add value to their clients and, with these new guides, we hope to give advisers an easy way to offer even more support. The guides help clients to understand how they can make their home adverse-weather ready so that they can be better prepared for what the British winter has to throw at them.

“These are the first instalments in a series of customer guides that will be produced with tips and advice for all seasons, featuring information such as useful times to check your insurance documents, what to look out for and when to get in touch with your insurance company, as well as helpful advice about keeping your family and home safe.”

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