SPF Private Clients acquires GI & pensions firm

SPF Private Clients is delighted to announce the acquisition of Wiltshire & Co, a general insurance and pensions business.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
6th February 2014
SPF Private Clients acquires GI & pensions firm

The move boosts SPF’s general insurance and wealth management offering, which now accounts for more than 35% of its business. Traditional mortgage broking makes up 50% of revenues, while specialist lending accounts for the remaining 15%.

Mark Harris, chief executive of SPF Private Clients, says:

While we are primarily known for being a mortgage broker, general insurance and wealth management are increasingly important to us. We are delighted to have the Wiltshire & Co team on board and continue to look for other opportunities to expand this side of the business.’

Michael Wiltshire, director of Wiltshire & Co, adds:

"We are pleased to join forces with SPF Private Clients, and have already integrated well. Our commercial and personal clients are not only receiving the same accessible and friendly service as before but are now gaining access to the UK’s top mortgage advisers. SPF Private Clients is an expanding business and we are very happy to be part of its ongoing evolution."

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