Money worries are the main concern of stressed-out Britons, according to the results of a recent poll which revealed that 83% of us admit to suffering from some form of regular anxiety, with money worries being top of the list, closely followed by fear of job loss.
Even more devasting is the strong link between economic downturn and depression when it was revealed the number of suicides in the UK has risen sharply since the recession began in September 2008, reversing the downward trend of the past decade.
Gas engineer, Dave Berry knows only too well the value of Unemployment Insurance when he found himself redundant for the second time earlier this year.
David says:
“I knew that the world was changing. I took out Mortgage Payment Protection Insurance because my home was at stake and I did not want to lose it.”
Now back in work (although at a considerable less salary than he has been used to), Dave Berry continues to have Mortgage Protection Cover with Dave advises others in the midst of redundancy to “keep positive” and “believe that employment is just the ‘next application away’.’’
Dave acknowledges that when he was unemployed he felt “low, worthless, out of touch and too old”. His sleep suffered and it was the first time his children had not been able to have what they wanted. Dave also said that going from a large salary to £260 per month was a “constant worry”, and “not an experience he wants to repeat”.