Uinsure becomes sole GI provider for Together and Rangers Protect

Uinsure has become the sole provider of general insurance for Together Money and Rangers Protect, a partner of Rangers Football Club that was created to help protect the finances of their fans.

Related topics:  Protection
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
9th July 2019
Paul Kelly Uinsure
"Through these partnerships, we’ll maximise the GI potential of both firms and ensure that their customers are protected"

Uinsure also has single-tie partnerships with London & Country, Mail Finance and several Building Societies including The Furness, The Darlington and The Scottish.

David Smith, chief innovation officer at Uinsure, said: “We’re absolutely delighted to become the sole GI provider for both Rangers Protect and Together Money. Both firms boast fantastic histories with huge customer bases and share our values when it comes to providing customers with products of the highest quality as well as outstanding customer service.

“More and more firms are looking to utilise our technology led direct sales capability into their customer base. We have extraordinary technological capability to quote and serve mass customer bases, delivering better customer outcomes in line with the recent FCA thematic review.

“Through these partnerships, we’ll maximise the GI potential of both firms and ensure that their customers are protected with multi-award-winning Defaqto & Moneyfacts 5 star-rated home insurance.”

Paul Kelly, director of product development at Uinsure, added: “We’re thrilled to have joined forces with Together - their proposition is unparalleled, and their awards & accreditations speak for themselves. We’re confident that we can serve their whole customer base with value, quality and choice across the entire United Kingdom postcodes. We believe that their customers will be delighted with Uinsure’s best in class products, and first-rate customer service, protecting their greatest asset - their home.”

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