VitalityLife launches new online trust solution for advisers

VitalityLife has launched a new signature-free online trust solution to make it quicker and easier for advisers to place protection plans in trust.

Related topics:  Protection
Rozi Jones | Editor, Financial Reporter
30th July 2019
Tech computer
"It can be hard for advisers to demonstrate the benefits of placing protection plans in trust, often because of the time-consuming nature of the process."

The online process eliminates the need for written signatures and allows advisers to set up a trust as part of the protection application using new VitalityLife’s Adviser Hub portal.

The solution is now available for all new personal and business protection plans.

Sally Burrowes, director of legal at VitalityLife, said: “It can be hard for advisers to demonstrate the benefits of placing protection plans in trust, often because of the time-consuming nature of the process.

"Our new signature-free online solution means it will be quicker and easier for advisers to place plans in trust, further supporting our aim to ensure members have the most comprehensive protection possible.”

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