Which? refers consumers to LifeSearch for protection advice

LifeSearch has started offering free, whole of market, independent protection advice to customers using Which? Mortgage Advisers.

Related topics:  Protection
Amy Loddington | Communications Director, Barcadia Media
16th January 2013
Which? refers consumers to LifeSearch for protection advice
For most people a mortgage is the biggest financial commitment they will make. Which? Mortgage Advisers has begun referring customers to LifeSearch (who specialise solely in protection advice) to offer free and independent information about their protection needs.

Tom Baigrie, LifeSearch CEO, says:

“We are delighted that Which? Mortgage Advisers has decided to entrust the protection needs of their clients to LifeSearch. It is a specialist area and it makes sense to team-up with a company like LifeSearch who can offer both scale and quality of advice."
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