Pink doubles protection sales

Life assurance and protection sales in Pink at the end of July are double what they were in January.

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Millie Dyson | Editor, Financial Reporter
5th August 2011
Pink doubles protection sales
Life and protection sales have risen steadily ever since Pink introduced their panel of five life providers at the beginning of quarter two. 

Together, Pink and the five life providers offered training to all advisers in Pink on both the products and the best way of selling them.  This has given Pink advisers confidence in talking to clients from a wider perspective other than just selling life assurance in connection with a mortgage.

Mark Graves, sales director for Pink says:

“There are a number of reasons for bringing in the panel: By providing training through workshops we have helped advisers focus on their existing clients; the extra knowledge gained has re-enforced the importance of making regular contact with clients while our panel provides a wide range of benefits to advisers and clients alike.
“As a result, Pink advisers who formerly focused primarily on mortgages, now have the confidence to go back to their clients and offer a full range of family protection products.”
The current five providers on the panel are: PruProtect, Bright Grey, Aviva, Legal & General and LV=."

Andy Philo, national account director at PruProtect says:

“I have been really impressed with the willingness of the Pink advisers to take on board new ideas, they have embraced the benefits of selling a wide range of protection products to their clients, everyone has been open minded and willing to learn in the workshops.

"The true winners are the clients; this has been reflected in the huge increase in cases we are currently witnessing.”
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