National Friendly promotes Gifford Clay to Head of Intermediary Sales

National Friendly has announced the promotion of Gifford Clay from Strategic Partnership Manager to Head of Intermediary Sales after only six months of employment.

Related topics:  National Friendly,  New Hire
Tabitha Lambie | Editor, Protection Reporter
18th January 2024
New Hire yellow with circle
"We’ve seen National Friendly grow exponentially over the last few years and we’ve diversified its proposition to better meet the needs of our Intermediary partners and customers."
- Gifford Clay, Head of Intermediary Sales at National Friendly

Prior to joining National Friendly, Gifford Clay worked as Head of Sales at Canada Life UK until December 2022. He’s also held positions at Holloway Friendly, Synaptic Software Limited, LV=, and Aviva. With over two decades of experience, National Friendly believes he will play a “pivotal role” in developing and implementing its strategy.

In his new role, Gifford will be responsible for managing and executing sales and distribution objectives whilst helping to strengthen relationships with valued intermediary partners.

Oliver Jones, Commercial Director at National Friendly, said he’s “delighted” to have Gifford as Head of Intermediary Sales, having already used his extensive knowledge to positively impact sales and subsequently the business. “We’re proud to have such a valuable member of the industry at National Friendly,” he added.

“We’ve seen National Friendly grow exponentially over the last few years and we’ve diversified its proposition to better meet the needs of our Intermediary partners and customers,” said Gifford. “I’m looking forward to working with our experienced sales team to continue our growth trajectory into the next phase of our strategy.”

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