Scottish Widows appoints Matt Cuhls as non-executive director

Scottish Widows has announced that Matt Cuhls will join its board as a non-executive director from January 2024.

Related topics:  Scottish Widows,  New Hire
Tabitha Lambie | Editor, Protection Reporter
9th November 2023
New Director
"We remain fully committed to delivering on our strategy for the benefit of our customers and are confident that his expertise will support our ongoing efforts to achieve this."
- Scott Wheway, Chair of the Scottish Widows Group Board

After nearly ten years, Matt Cuhls stepped down as CEO of ReAssure Ltd in March last year, though he remained as a Managing Director of Phoenix Group Holdings with responsibility for ReAssure Operations until June this year.

He currently serves as a non-executive director on the board of community bank FAIRshare Credit Union Ltd and is an adviser for the Pensions Ombudsman’s Early Resolution Service. He also works as a business mentor with Help to Grow.

In his latest role, Matt will bring valuable insight, having previously advised executive leadership teams and steered boards to achieve ambitious strategic goals. He will also provide significant long-term governance and risk management within Financial Services.

Commenting on this appointment, Scott Wheway, Chair of the Scottish Widows Group Board, has said:

“Matt has an extremely impressive track record of industry experience and a deep understanding which will be a valuable addition to the Board.

“We remain fully committed to delivering on our strategy for the benefit of our customers and are confident that his expertise will support our ongoing efforts to achieve this.”

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